Marie's blog

Graduate Highlight - Kya Poe

Tired of dead-end jobs?  That's why Kya Poe enrolled in our electrical technician program.
Are you searching for an enjoyable career that does not require a four-year degree to start? Do you want to learn and develop job skills without spending tens of thousands on general education credits? At Rockford Career College, we offer affordable, streamlined programs that prepare students for in-demand vocations. That's why Kya Poe enrolled in our electrical technician program.

Graduate Highlight - Anthony Walker

What would you be willing to give up to make your dream a reality? Inconvenience and our unwillingness to step outside of our comfort zones often cause us to miss out on wonderful opportunities. Taking action is what separates the dreamers of today from the achievers of tomorrow.  For Anthony Walker, beginning a new career was worth the sacrifice he made.


Do you know what's causing your unhappiness?
Do you ever judge yourself too harshly? I do. In fact, many of us do without realizing it. Even when your friends say that you are a superstar, you may feel deep inside that it's not true. Over time, this could lead to you becoming pessimistic without understanding why.

Graduate Highlight - Patrick Brown

When you hear the word “creative,” what comes to mind? You might think of painters, sculptors, singers, writers, or actors. However, creativity manifests itself in many ways. Welders also create a very practical form of art. Essential to a plethora of industries, welding is a highly versatile skill that results in useful products and allows businesses to continue operating efficiently. This is why Patrick Brown chose welding for his career.


Mindfulness. It's a pretty straightforward concept. Your mind is focused on the present task without allowing distractions to impede your progress. All too often, we veer from the matter at hand. Once your mind has taken flight, you could become engrossed in obsessive thoughts over an event that just happened or may take place in the future. It is this anxiety that prevents us from enacting positive change in our lives.

Graduate Highlight - Damon Hess

“Just believe in yourself,” says Rockford Career College graduate Damon Hess. “Even if you don't, pretend that you do. At some point, you will.”
Yes, the best-kept secret is that even outwardly confident, secure people sometimes wonder if they are good enough. What do they do? They push through the doubts, just like Mr. Hess did. Perhaps you are unsure if you could succeed in college because of that C in high school. Instead of worrying about that, focus on what you are good at and choose a career that matches that strength. 

If I won the lottery, I would...

“If I won the lottery, I would...”
“If I had an extra day in the week, I could use it for...”
We like to think about what we could achieve if we were lucky enough to have life change specifically to fit our needs. However, there's so much you could accomplish on your own. Instead of relying solely on luck or others, start taking steps now to work toward your goal.
