Marie's blog


I didn’t understand why I wasn’t accomplishing my major goals. I thought I was doing it right, according to the supposed “goal rules.” I was setting tangible goals, writing them down, going over my list in the morning, etc.

Why wasn’t I able to find time to go to school? I quit after a week. I wanted to start a new career – I really did. Then a friend told me to keep a list for a week of what I was actually doing. Bingo. Here is what I found out:

Graduate Highlight - Medical Assistant Program - Chelsea Vronch

Even when Chelsea Vronch felt that the coursework was challenging, she kept persevering. “I would tell anyone that you just have to stick to it and work hard, even when it gets difficult,” she says. “You won't regret the outcome.”

Caring for others makes medical assisting a rewarding career, but why else do students choose it?
Rockford Career College graduates tell us there are many reasons to love this occupation. Here are just a few of the most commonly mentioned:

Career Goals

“You can be anything you want in life.” Sound familiar? Whether it was from a teacher, family member, or even a commercial, you may have heard that you could do something great with your life. The only question is, how do you get there? With bills to pay, family to care for, and a number of other responsibilities, studying for a new career and making that change may sound impossible. We're here to tell you it's not. Below are a few ways to begin:

Is It Time for You to Find a Career Instead of Working at a Job?

This summer, if you took a breather and decompressed before jumping into the next phase of your life, good for you. We hope you had an opportunity to catch up with friends and family or maybe save money from your summer job.

How was that summer job? Was it the same job you did during the summers throughout high school? If it was, maybe you realize that it was a great job to get spending money, but now you think about having a lifetime of work ahead of you and you want something better. You want a career that you can look forward to with growth potential.

Graduate Highlight - Ashley Jarrett

Do you find that there is not enough time in the day to complete everything on your list? If you have a packed schedule and little time to relax, you may believe it is impossible to pursue your dream profession. However, with our flexible scheduling options and ten-month program length, completing a medical assistant diploma program at Rockford Career College may be possible after all. Ashley Jarrett is just one of many recent graduates who was able to fit school into her hectic life.
