

Graduate Highlight - Kya Poe Electrical Technician
Graduate Highlight - Kya Poe

Tired of dead-end jobs?  That's why Kya Poe enrolled in our electrical technician program.
Are you searching for an enjoyable career that does not require a four-year degree to start? Do you want to learn and develop job skills without spending tens of thousands on general education credits? At Rockford Career College, we offer affordable, streamlined programs that prepare students for in-demand vocations. That's why Kya Poe enrolled in our electrical technician program.

Animal Welfare Administration Success Story of Noelle
Animal Welfare Administration Success Story of Noelle

If you love working with animals, but would prefer studying online, our Animal Welfare Administration nine-month program is right for you. 

After graduation, you could consider pursuing a career working at an animal shelter, as a pet groomer, or you could even start your own doggie day care like Nicole Moore from our Stautzenberger program (a sister school of Rockford Career College).   


Why graduates said they chose Rockford Career College
Why graduates said they chose Rockford Career College

Why graduates said they chose Rockford Career College:
* Hands-On learning
* Short Programs
* Caring Admissions Staff
* Financial Aid Team
* Experienced Instructors
* Support
* Job Placement
Read why graduates said they chose Rockford Career College.
Programs start every 5 weeks.
Why choose Rockford Career College?

Graduate Highlight - Anthony Walker CNC
Graduate Highlight - Anthony Walker

What would you be willing to give up to make your dream a reality? Inconvenience and our unwillingness to step outside of our comfort zones often cause us to miss out on wonderful opportunities. Taking action is what separates the dreamers of today from the achievers of tomorrow.  For Anthony Walker, beginning a new career was worth the sacrifice he made.

Steven Lowe - Electrical Technician
Graduate Highlight - Steven Lowe

Did you know that America has an electrician shortage? In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that there will be 85,900 open jobs in the electrician field by 20241. The 2017 annual mean wage of electricians in Illinois was $61,010 to $81,600.2  Although our reliance on electronics— including HVAC systems for our homes and businesses—increases, fewer students are choosing this field for their future careers. Steven Lowe, a recent Rockford Career College graduate, decided to go against that trend.


Do you know what's causing your unhappiness?
Do you ever judge yourself too harshly? I do. In fact, many of us do without realizing it. Even when your friends say that you are a superstar, you may feel deep inside that it's not true. Over time, this could lead to you becoming pessimistic without understanding why.
Maybe now is the time to stop thinking that way. When elderly people look back on their lives, many realize how much time they wasted thinking negatively instead of pursuing their dreams. Don't wait until you are old to start changing your path. Today is the perfect day to transform your despondency into action.

