

You could become a superhero in Business
You could become a superhero in Business

You could become a superhero in an organization by completing one of our business programs. 

Business careers are everywhere you look. Industry, retail, service industry, government, education, even healthcare. A business education can help you launch a new business career or advance one you have already begun. Well-trained professionals with critical thinking and decision-making skills, as well as knowledge of industry-standard software will always be in demand.

FLEXIBLE: Our online business programs allow you to complete coursework from home.

Now is the time to learn which program is right for you.

What is your word for 2020?
What is your word for 2020?

What is your word for 2020? Mine is “Begin.”
According to Merriam-Webster, it means, “To do the first part of an action: go into the first part of a process.”1

We all have those actions that we know we need to take in order to grow and develop. Sometimes, starting them is the hardest part.

That's why my word for 2020 is "Begin." I decided to implement BEGIN last week.
I thought, "What do I need to just 'begin?'" My goal was to begin a new career doing something I enjoy and making more money. I had already filled out a Request Information form, but when an admissions representative called me, I made excuses not to talk to her.

New Year’s Resolutions Start Today
New Year's Resolutions Start Today

Many classes begin January 6 or January 28th, depending on the program, so start the enrollment process today.

You know you want to attend college, but how do you choose a school?
You know you want to attend college, but how do you choose a school?

You know you want to attend college, but how do you choose a school? Numerous factors such as class size, course offerings, location, tuition, and staff qualifications often make the decision difficult.

Pursue your degree with confidence at a school that has been building great futures for over 150 years. We may have even taught your family members, friends, or neighbors.

Graduate Highlight - Thomas Cavanaugh - Welding
Graduate Highlight - Thomas Cavanaugh - Welding

“If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready.” – Will Smith 1

The chance to launch your dream career could materialize at any moment. Are you prepared to accept it? Recognizing and investing in opportunities is a mindset that requires cultivation. Studying diligently, practicing what you have learned, making connections, and searching for open positions are  all crucial aspects of beginning a new career path. Thomas Cavanaugh is one Rockford Career College alumnus who made sure he was always primed for the right moment.

How to find the motivation to achieve your goals.
How to find the motivation to achieve your goals.

Can't find the motivation to achieve your goal? Students sometimes say they just don't have the energy to attend school. However, you could boost your energy by increasing your dopamine and serotonin levels.

First, what are serotonin and dopamine? Primarily found in the brain, these chemicals regulate your appetite, mood, and memory, among other important functions. An imbalance of either one of these chemicals “can contribute to addictions, mood conditions, memory issues, and attention difficulties.”1

