

We Proudly Present Business Administration Graduate Keyahna Rountree
We Proudly Present Business Administration Graduate Keyahna Rountree

When it comes to career progression, Keyahna knows that you have to affect the change you desire. “Complain and remain or believe and achieve!” she says. Enrolling in our program was the first step she took toward achieving her career goals. We are very proud of Keyahna Rountree who graduated on the Dean’s List from Rockford Career College's business administration program.

Happy Best Friends Day
Happy Best Friends Day

June 8th is National Best Friends Day! How will you celebrate those closest to you? While we often think of our friends as people to watch movies, take walks, or talk with, they could also play an important role in our professional lives.

Top Reasons to Choose Rockford Career College for Online Learning
  1. For over 10 years, we have been delivering online classes. We've had plenty of time to learn what works and update our online offerings.
  2. You can complete some or all of your online classes at the school.  You'll have access to our computer labs. Study with other students, print out assignments, or ask the staff member on duty for assistance.
  3. Our Learning Resource System (LRS) supports learning in and out of the classroom.  The LRS consists of the physical library, resource center, online research database (ProQuest), and eLibrary.
  4. Library coordinators are here to help, both online and on campus.
Medical Assistant Graduate Highlight – Samantha Brandt-Lopez
Medical Assistant Graduate Highlight - Samantha Brandt-Lopez

Meet a Medical Assistant Diploma Program Graduate

Meet Samantha Brandt-Lopez, a graduate of Rockford Career College's medical assistant diploma program. Dissatisfied with her career options, Samantha sought to better herself and her community by studying medical assisting. Through patience, hard work, and compassion for her patients, Samantha successfully earned her diploma. “Graduating from RCC definitely opened up doors to many opportunities for me,” says Samantha. “It is such an empowering feeling, incomparable to anything else.”

Medical Office Billing and Coding Graduate Highlight – Brianna Block
Medical Office Billing and Coding Graduate Highlight - Brianna Block

Meet a Medical Office Billing and Coding Graduate

Meet Brianna Block, a graduate of Rockford Career College's Medical Office Billing and Coding Diploma program. Brianna's motto is a quote from Sophia Amoruso: “Don't give up, don't take anything personally, and don't take no for an answer.” These principles guided Brianna as she chose a new career path and studied hard until she had her degree in hand. She believed that, even though the journey seemed intimidating at first, a brighter future waited for her if she was willing to persevere. 

Electrical Technician Graduate Highlight:  Juanita Tatum
Electrical Technician Graduate Highlight: Juanita Tatum

Meet an Electrical Technician Graduate

Meet Juanita Tatum, a graduate of Rockford Career College’s electrical technician diploma program. She has never been afraid to take on a challenge. Although her dream career field has been traditionally male-oriented, she knew she could achieve her professional goals. After enrolling in Rockford Career College's electrical technician diploma program, she persevered to make her dream a reality.

