Joan's blog

Pursue Your Dream

“Isn't it time to do something you love?” The television hummed another advertisement, but this time I did not tune out. I watched the Rockford Career College commercial play, the sound of my drumming fingers reverberating through the otherwise vacant house. 

Create a Roadmap for Your Future?

If you find yourself struggling to achieve your goals, you are not alone.  Here is the good news:  Our admissions staff is trained to help you navigate what career suites you and we start you off with a written plan to achieve your goal.

How important is a written plan (a roadmap to your future)? This excerpt from Mark McCormack will help you understand why a written plan is a critical component to achieving success. 

Graduate Highlight: 2018 Paralegal Program - Patricia “Trisha” Hecke

“Successful do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.”
“At my lowest point I was homeless and expecting my youngest child with a toddler.  I am not only the first high school graduate in my family, I am also the first to attend college.  As a mother of two daughters, it is the duty given to me from God to be a witness of how good He is all the time and how he can provide above and beyond all expectations.  Now I am an ordained minister, working to eventually go to N.I.U. (Northern Illinois University), DeKalb School of Law.”

Some 30 Million Jobs that Pay an Average of $55,000 Don’t Require Bachelor’s Degrees

Some 30 Million jobs in the US that pay an average of $55,000 per year don’t require bachelor’s degrees.1
Many careers that do not require bachelor's degrees are in desperate need of qualified candidates. For example, between 2016 and 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that job growth for:
