

A Day in the Life: Animal Welfare Administration
A Day in the Life: Animal Welfare Administration

Career Opportunities in Animal Welfare Administration

When you think about working with animals, what's the first career that comes to mind? Veterinarian? Zookeeper? Although these are common responses, the truth is that animals need assistance in a wide variety of settings. My name is Isabella, and I'm proud to work in animal welfare administration.

A Day in the Life: Medical Office Billing and Coding
A Day in the Life: Medical Office Billing and Coding

Keeping track of every patient who visits a hospital is an enormous task. Remembering all of their medical conditions and insurance information would be impossible without people like me. My name's Shanice, and I'm a medical office billing and coding specialist.

How to Become Empowered
How to Become Empowered

Do you wish you had woken up this morning with more motivation? You're not alone. Even the most inspiring individuals sometimes feel uninspired. How do you become empowered about a new career?

First, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Are you working?
2. Did you lose your job recently?
3. Do you think you may not be hired back at your old job?
4. Were you really happy with the job you had?
5. Was there room for advancement in your former career path?

A Day in the Life: Veterinary Technician
A Day in the Life: Veterinary Technician

What do veterinary technicians do?

We defend those who can't speak for themselves. Pets can be difficult to work with at times, but they deserve the same level of compassion and care that human patients receive. Communicating with the pet owner, relying on what I've learned and experienced, and being attentive to a pet's non-verbal cues are vital to my occupation. My name is Nia, and I'm proud to be a veterinary technician.

A Day in the Life: Dental Assistant
A Day in the Life: Dental Assistant

What Does a Dental Assistant Do, Exactly?

You don't enjoy the thought of going to the dentist. You don't like the sound of the machines, you find scheduling an appointment to be inconvenient, and you're afraid the dentist might find a cavity. I'm here to help you overcome those fears. As a dental assistant, my job is to make you comfortable and ensure your visit goes smoothly.

A Day in the Life of an Addiction Counselor
A Day in the Life of an Addiction Counselor

How do you cope with stressful situations? Taking a break, exercising, or watching an episode of your favorite show could be helpful. With more important matters, maybe you need a friend or family member to listen. Knowing you aren't alone could be a key factor in getting your life back on track. That's why addiction counseling technicians (also known as addiction counselors) like me put our hearts into our work.

